Who We Are
We are a community dedicated to sharing valuable research and applicable authoritative insights.
At TheScholarInResidence.com, your knowledge becomes useful intelligence on our platform.
Do you have an idea, conclusion, observation, finding, or study that is:
1. Developed through verifiable research methods?
2. Can be useful to a productive class of people?
3. Can bring improvement in a field of practice?
4. Unique in its nature?
5. Can make the world a better place?
Then you can be the next Scholar-In-Residence.
-Written in 500 to 3,000 words
-Presented with sources and evidential proofs where necessary
Suggested Format:
1. Summary: What is the article about? What are the conclusions? Up to 150 words.
2. Beneficial Audience: Who can benefit? E.g. surgeons, lawyers, accountants, business executives, social clubs.
3. Introduction: Background, conflict, essence of the study.
4. Aims and Objectives: What are the specific goals and objectives?
5. Methods Used to Draw the Conclusion: Must be empirical and logical.
6. Findings: What were the main observations or discoveries.
7. Analysis/Implications: What do the findings mean and how will they add up to existing knowledge.
8. General Value or Application: How can it be applied? What is the business, social or other value?
9. Beneficial Solutions: What are some use cases of your solution?
10. Conclusion: Bring it all together.
11. Referencing: APA, Chicago Footnotes or OSCOLA Footnotes
12. About You: Who you are as a scholar, what are your affiliations? How can people benefit from your business interests? Contact details.
13. Multimedia Additions: Optional (audio or short video of no more than 120 seconds)
What is in it for YOU:
1. Organization of your thoughts and discoveries.
2. Exposure of their ideas and concepts.
3. Opportunity to build a unique brand for your concepts.
4. Promotion of your services and competencies.
5. Appeal to potential supporters, investors, and other stakeholders.