YOU as The-Scholar-In-Residence

Do you have a scholarly or empirically generated idea or insight that can help others solve problems? is a community dedicated to sharing valuable research and applicable authoritative insights.

Your knowledge becomes useful intelligence on our platform.

Do you have an idea, conclusion, observation, finding, or study that is:

1.      Developed through verifiable research methods?

2.      Can be useful to a productive class of people?

3.      Can bring improvement in a field of practice?

4.      Unique in its nature?

5.      Can make the world a better place?

Then, you can be the next Scholar-In-Residence.



-Written in 500 to 3,000 words

-Presented with sources and evidential proofs where necessary


Suggested Format:

1.      Summary: What is the article about? What are the conclusions? Up to 150 words.

2.      Beneficial Audience: Who can benefit? E.g. surgeons, lawyers, accountants, business executives, social clubs.

3.      Introduction: Background, conflict, essence of the study.

4.      Aims and Objectives: What are the specific goals and objectives?

5.      Methods Used to Draw the Conclusion: Must be empirical and logical.

6.      Findings: What were the main observations or discoveries.

7.      Analysis/Implications: What do the findings mean and how will they add up to existing knowledge.

8.      General Value or Application: How can it be applied? What is the business, social or other value?

9.      Beneficial Solutions: What are some use cases of your solution?

10.  Conclusion: Bring it all together.

11.  Referencing: APA, Chicago Footnotes or OSCOLA Footnotes

12.  About You: Who you are as a scholar, what are your affiliations? How can people benefit from your business interests? Contact details.

13.  Multimedia Additions: Optional (audio or short video of no more than 120 seconds)


What is in it for YOU:

1.      Organization of your thoughts and discoveries.

2.      Exposure of their ideas and concepts.

3.      Opportunity to build a unique brand for your concepts.

4.      Promotion of your services and competencies.

5.      Appeal to potential supporters, investors, and other stakeholders.